There are many reasons to love the snail.
Their slow, stead pace is one to be admired. Many days I’d be much better off if I would slow down, take in my surroundings – breathe – and smile. I feel better already!
Snails carry their homes upon their backs which is where all of us feel most secure – how lucky for them that they can retreat back into that safety and warmth no matter where they’ve traveled.
Wonderful symbols of slow yet steady progress. Whatever you’re working towards – a diagnosis, a manuscript, or a 5k walk for charity – slow and steady AS she goes and you’ll win your race.
Until tomorrow.
Day 142 was made in graphite, acrylic, and watercolor.
Why Pink? Well because Giant Pink Snails now live in Coral Gables!
There’s a blog for that – Snails!
Jenna, this is CUTE!!! I love it. Love your watercolor pieces. Also love this reminder to keep going, even if just at a slow pace. I like to say “Keep moving forward,” quoting Walt Disney.
Jennifer –
One of my dream jobs = set design for Disney Parks!
Close second … Ice Cream Product Manager for Ben & Jerry’s! You’d get to come up with ideas and taste the results over and over and over again!
Thanks for commenting on my post. I’m very keen to promote increased awareness of rheumatic disease, including AS.
I wish I was creative & could draw like you. Its such a simple, lovely way to convey your message. Good luck to you in all your endeavours.
Dr. Lim,
Thank you for writing such a great article – the title should help to give suffers a better idea that these medications are imperative for many of us. There is a general feeling of fear to “take the leap” and start a biologic. I think there are many reasons for this and I look forward to discussing some of these topics in future posts. And – I bet a Dr. Lim Guest Apple would be amazing – sometimes we surprise ourselves when we step outside our comfort zones!
Dr. Lim’s article on TNF’s
Hi Jenna
I wouldn’t embarrass myself with an attempt at a Guest Apple!
On a more serious note, I currently have a male AS patient with fused sacroiliac joints who I have been trying to convince to take anti-TNF medication for months, even getting him to talk to my other patients on the medication.
The fear of possible side effects is just so strong, its actually causing him unnecessary suffering.
Dr Lim,
If you get a flood of inspiration – art therapy is amazing on so many levels no matter what you create – no need to ever show a soul!
In regards to your patient – I am so sorry he’s suffering. This is what ankylosing spondylitis does to people – it steals their vitality and causes unbelievable suffering. I talk with people who have rheumatic autoimmune diseases about the possibilities of TNF’s because I hear the positive stories all day long and I personally feel that I got my life back because of them but, this fear continues. I have many beliefs as to why. I will try to address them here in future posts because I think it’s very important to talk about them.
I would like you to consider that when there is so much inflammation happening in the body we are not only affected by the pain and fatigue but – our thinking is not clear either. This is why I am a big proponent of having a friend or family member help the AS patient make decisions about their care in the initial stages of diagnosis and until the inflammation and disease can be reeled in a bit.
As a side note on this to help support my idea – the risk of Alzheimer’s is greatly reduced in people taking TNF’s.
I would love to have your patient see my site – hopefully he would have fun at the same time be able to see that there is life after an AS diagnosis – it just looks a little different.
Best, Jenna
Aww I really love it!!! My favorite color is pink, and the art of this day is all in pink, very colorful. At the same time I love the smile in the face of the snail, and the form that you describing the unique characteristics of the snail´s life.
Cute apple shell! You’re right, snails really do have it made as far as being able to be “home” at any moment – almost like Dorothy clicking together her Ruby Slippers! What you said reminds me of a quote from @selenamki, “If I pace, I can play. If I push, I will pay.”
This is so cute and accurate. One of the fist and hardest lessons I had to learn after being diagnosed, that took a good couple of years to learn. Sometimes I forget, so I guess you could say I may have to relearn this one over and over. 😉