Day 151 – Zen Tangle

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Fifty One

I had never heard of a Zentangle.

Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. The concept was created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts as a form of meditation – a type of art that provides a sense of freedom and well-being!

Their motto is “Anything is possible – one stroke at a time.”  So I set to work on a Zentangle Apple. The approach and term were coined due to the almost meditative trance that happens when you create in a free form doodle type of manner and it was a perfect apple for me to create tonight because as you all know from yesterday’s post – I’m feeling a bit burnt out – lol!

Give it a try – art is therapy. It engages the mind so throughly that it can put distress and pain aside for a bit. The nice thing about art is that first and foremost it is for you – you never need to show a soul. Pick up a pen and piece of paper and doodle – I promise you – it will take you somewhere else. Even if the zen only happens for a little while – tangle yourself up in it and enjoy!

Until tomorrow.


Day 151 was created in india ink.


Day 150 – Lights, Camera… Action!

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Fifty

I finally watched the movie “Julie and Julia” last night!

I now know why people wanted me to see it. The similarities in our stories had me taking notes – I loved her description of why on earth she would take on such a task!

She too started a 365 day journey. Her self imposed task was to cook all 524 recipes from the Julia Child book “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” within a year and write about it on her blog.  I was so inspired that this afternoon I went out to buy the book. I really just need to know more of Julie Powell’s story.

Do you think she had her doubts and days she wanted to just throw it all in? What kept her going on day 8 or – day 150 –  when her fifth aspic was a flop? And, how did she find the strength to cook and make a crazy Julia Child type mess of her kitchen night after night?

I know why I don’t stop – I have a community of people I cannot let down – they are what keep me going along with the fact that personally I refuse to fail. Some nights, like tonight, are extremely difficult. I have a discussion with the devil who sits on my shoulder telling me how nice it would be to forget the whole thing and vanish back into the oblivion of a normal life. Some nights, like tonight, that little devil looks like an angel with a way out – a way to stop the whirl and insecurity and allow me to go crawl in bed and  sleep for 14 hours and wake up without the weight of another six months of apples left to go!

I didn’t quite anticipate the highs and lows of this. The level of self doubt contrasted next to sheer bliss of a personal message from someone who I’ve touched with this in some way are amazing yet difficult because of the extremes and emotions. I know that the lights, camera, and action… are just the picture perfect stories and glamor found in Hollywood.  I’m hoping to find a bit more of myself in Julie’s book – the movies make everything look so easy!

Until tomorrow.


Day 150 was created in honor of The 83rd Academy Awards in ink and watercolor.

Day 148 – Find Your Place To Shine!

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Eight

I LOVE American Idol – how can you not?

In fact I love all reality t.v. that is based on the premise of giving ordinary people a chance to become stars and live a life of their passions! (not such a big fan of the Fear Factor type)

What is your dream – where do you shine?

If you know – then go for it – as hard and as strong as you possibly can – every day. If you don’t know where that place is – then just think about what you do that gives you the biggest amount of happiness and exhilaration. Stop the negative self talk and – go for it – as hard and as strong as you possibly can – every day.

For some of us – the idea of “as hard and as strong as you possibly can” means that you took one step. It does not matter how small. Don’t let the pain stop you. I know that doesn’t seem possible some days but if you take one step no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential – then it’s a step closer than you were yesterday. Don’t let AS stop your dreams – they may look a bit different than you thought they would before you got diagnosed – so change the tempo! As we can see on American Idol… living life to your own beat can sometimes lead to genius and stardom.  Find your place to shine and you’ll have no regrets!

Until tomorrow.


Day 148 was created in pen & ink and watercolor.

Day 147 – Phone a Friend

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Seven

I’d like to phone a friend.

If I could have a hotline to a friend who would always pick up the phone – wouldn’t that be cool! Now – to be fair – my husband, my family, and some truly great friends will pick up the phone. But for people dealing with chronic illness, this type of thing is a life saver at times.

My mom will never forget one particular phone call I made to her about 7 years ago. She recalls it when describing the throws of despair and pain I was in. I can remember it too – I wish I couldn’t.

We forget to check in with our friends. Today – call someone you haven’t heard from in awhile, check in and make sure they are o.k.

Until tomorrow.


Day 147 was created with ink and watercolor.

Day 145 – Harry Potter Apple

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Five


Doesn’t Harry Potter look fantastic as an apple!


I haven’t done of my pop culture apples in awhile – I thought today would be a good time to do something that is just fun so that I can bring you some updates too!


* I’d love to hear your ideas for apples or even better –  send one in to show your support of Ankylosing Spondylitis awareness and research for a cure!

* Get extra goodies from The Feeding Edge Facebook Page – Click the Facebook button and don’t forget to *like* me once you’re there!


* Or, sign up to get the Daily Apple in your email each morning – thank you everyone for being patient as I work to get the new Daily Apple Newsletter up and running.


* Apple Recipes & Healthy Living topics coming soon!


* If you like today’s apple you might also like

Super Apple

Mr. Potato Head

Ruby Slippers


Ms. PacMan


Until tomorrow.


Day 145 was created in mixed media of ink, watercolor, and colored pencil.

***New Guest Artist Apple*** Jeannette Hays has an amazing story and she shares it with us along with a beautiful photograph. This is a must see! Thank you Jeannette for your kindness, friendship, and courage in sharing your story.

Day 144 – Sushi Apple

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Four

I’m a foodie.

I love tastes – textures – exotic flavors. And, I love Sushi! But probably not as much as my brother Jason does and today is his birthday so he is the inspiration behind today’s art apple and post.

I’m a lucky gal – I’m friends with my brothers and especially close to my younger brother Jason. We think the same way and are so head strong and passionate that it gets us in trouble sometimes but we’ve always been each others champions and  supporters. I’m the godmother to his two beautiful children Parker and Beckett – I just wish I could live in Maine to be near all of them. On birthdays and holidays I feel especially far away. If I lived near my family, Jason and I would have gone for Sushi today. So – hopefully this sushi apple will take my place for now. I also want to share a post my fellow AS blogger Maya wrote recently for her brother. It’s wonderful and touching and includes a poem that I adore. I wish I could have written something like this for Jay Jay but since I have no idea how she does this – she has given me permission to share it with you.

Stepping on a Nest with my Brother
in Lovell, Maine: Summer of ‘91

It just takes one bee
to remind me of your heel
punched through
that pregnant nest,
the petite army filing out
until the air looked
just like rain falling
upwards. I remember
all of it: the wing-buzz
on my earlobe, my fat knees
made fatter with venom
and your Velcro sandals
breaded in the angry things.
I’ve said it was the spice
of the stingers I remember
most when really
it’s the piggybacked topple
into Lake Kezar, the tallying
our wounds, licking them
like postage. Even now,
years later I remember you
this way: some odd superhero,
cape of hornets blazing behind.

Until tomorrow.


Day 144 was created in mixed media. I’ve been loving using watercolor over acrylic!

Day 143 – Whirling Dervish

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Three.1
Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Three.1
Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Three.2
Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Three.2


I’m spinning.

When I think of a Whirling Dervish – I think of the Urban Dictionary (caution there is some crazy stuff there) definition.  I was thinking of whirling because I’ve felt a bit frenetic lately. It feels very strange and I’m thinking that the way I’m feeling is probably how most people feel on a bad energy day! I received my Remicade infusion on Monday after a horrible week waiting for relief and I ended up getting one more vile because I’ve gained a couple of pounds and it put me into a new dose – 7 vials!

The Sema is a ritual dance performed by a Whirling Dervish, a mystical dancer. He rotates in a precise rhythm as part of a sacred ceremony. The purpose of the ritual whirling
is for the dervish to empty himself of all distracting thoughts, placing him in trance; released from his body. In a crazy sense this whirling I’m feeling is releasing me. I’m savoring the taste of real energy but it has me thinking of the inevitable crash.

Until tomorrow.


Day 143 was created in mixed media x 2 – two apples for one courtesy of Remicade! Let me know which one is your favorite 🙂

***New Guest Artist – Jennifer LeBlanc***

Update – How do you like the new site design? Still some kinks to work out but please let me know what you think.

Day 142 – Steady AS She Goes

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Two
Art Apple - Day One Hundred Forty Two

There are many reasons to love the snail.

Their slow, stead pace is one to be admired. Many days I’d be much better off if I would slow down, take in my surroundings – breathe – and smile. I feel better already!

Snails carry their homes upon their backs which is where all of us feel most secure – how lucky for them that they can retreat back into that safety and warmth no matter where they’ve traveled.

Wonderful symbols of slow yet steady progress. Whatever you’re working towards – a diagnosis, a manuscript, or a 5k walk for charity – slow and steady AS she goes and you’ll win your race.

Until tomorrow.


Day 142 was made in graphite, acrylic, and watercolor.

Why Pink? Well because Giant Pink Snails now live in Coral Gables!

There’s a blog for thatSnails!