Day 347 – Surviving The Difficult Days

Today was a difficult day.

We all have them. We all get through them. I’ve discovered the great outlet of writing this past year. So – I wrote it all out and I feel so much better. I haven’t posted on The Fight Like A Girl Club website in a couple of months so my feelings and emotions of today came pouring out. If you get a chance – please check it out.

Until tomorrow.


Day 347 was created in watercolor with a technique I love – create an object with water only and then lay in the color. The area that you place the water contains the color and keeps the line.

4 Replies to “Day 347 – Surviving The Difficult Days”

  1. Jenna, love your post on Fight Like a Girl. I was having one of those days myself. Spent the whole day wishing I could just crawl back in the bed and pull the covers over my head. It’s nice to see you continue to move forward. Think I might do the same!! Keep up the fight!

  2. Jenna, I so know the feelings you expressed in your article. At the moment, and actually for the past 3 years I have had to suffer the Bully. You feel like just giving up at times and avoiding life.

    You have taught me that isn’t the answer, and I know you are going to pull through and get back to living.

    Today may have been difficult, but you know that you are stronger.

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