I’m spinning.
When I think of a Whirling Dervish – I think of the Urban Dictionary (caution there is some crazy stuff there) definition. I was thinking of whirling because I’ve felt a bit frenetic lately. It feels very strange and I’m thinking that the way I’m feeling is probably how most people feel on a bad energy day! I received my Remicade infusion on Monday after a horrible week waiting for relief and I ended up getting one more vile because I’ve gained a couple of pounds and it put me into a new dose – 7 vials!
The Sema is a ritual dance performed by a Whirling Dervish, a mystical dancer. He rotates in a precise rhythm as part of a sacred ceremony. The purpose of the ritual whirling
is for the dervish to empty himself of all distracting thoughts, placing him in trance; released from his body. In a crazy sense this whirling I’m feeling is releasing me. I’m savoring the taste of real energy but it has me thinking of the inevitable crash.
Until tomorrow.
Day 143 was created in mixed media x 2 – two apples for one courtesy of Remicade! Let me know which one is your favorite 🙂
***New Guest Artist – Jennifer LeBlanc***
Update – How do you like the new site design? Still some kinks to work out but please let me know what you think.