I was terrified of Twitter – seriously frozen with terror. I also thought why the heck would anyone use that? Why would I care about the exact location of my friends unless there is some real need to know. The idea of getting a play by play of a yummy meal is a more appealing concept but I have yet to see a tweet mentioning a tantalizing taste only tantalizing tidbits! Like: “I fell in love, in love with you so suddenly.” (which google tells me are lyrics from the band Hellogoodbye and not something I would ever choose to listen to) or a link to a and this evening there was a debate over how long you should keep your “fat” pants. I’d like to know how long to hold on to the skinny pants myself but that’s beside the point.
I got over it and ventured in… and now I don’t see myself getting tired of it, in fact I really love it. I love the pieces of information, connecting to people who have similar interests and issues, and some of the sheer silliness too! But what I have come to love most is becoming friends with a stranger in 140 characters or less. Who knows what I might tweet next – a tart tweet by a twitter tart 🙂 (really I can’t help myself.)
Until tomorrow.
Day 119 was created in graphite and watercolor – and a new shade of leaf green!
***New Guest Artist Apple – provocative “How Do You Like Them Apples” by Miriam Cassell***