Day 206 – Soft Spring

Art Apple - Day Two Hundred Six“On soft Spring nights I’ll stand in the yard under the stars – Something good will come out of all things yet – And it will be golden and eternal just like that – There’s no need to say another word.”- Jack Kerouac

I’m ready for some soft spring days and nights. It was cold and dreary and grey here in Colorado today. I love when the new life of Spring appears but we usually tend to get a good taste of it weeks before the last frost around Mother’s Day. This year it hasn’t been cold, it hasn’t been warm, and it hasn’t been nice. I know that our short spring will lead to a hot dry summer but I usually have a period of adjustment and some days that I can be outside getting the gardens ready for the sweet buds.

Perhaps my strong need to be outside with my grasses, flowers, and veggies had a hold of me tonight – I have no idea where this image came from but I got the most amazing amount of pleasure from creating it – and I felt golden and eternal in the process.

Until tomorrow.


Day 206 was created with watercolor and metallic acrylic inks.

Infusion day tomorrow!!!!!