Day 125 – Still Life No. 2

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Twenty Five
Art Apple - Day One Hundred Twenty Five

Who’s to say what art is?

As an artist who has struggled all her life to feel somewhat comfortable saying, “I’m an artist”.  I feel that everyone belongs to this group and there should be no exclusions. We were born with creative free thinking minds that put images and thoughts together both with purpose and unconsciously.

Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t draw, sing, write, or play the cello (on my bucket list).  I may not be able to carry a tune but nothing stops me from singing when the mood strikes me – I think most people feel a physical need to sing along to their favorite song. Why is it then that we stop at picking up a pencil or paints – if you just let go and create, it feels so good – it’s called art therapy and is much less expensive than a therapist!  So, if you’ve always wanted to play the drums or write the next great novel, I say – go for it – that’s what life is for!

Until tomorrow.


Day 125 was created with Anna West’s birthday in mind – in graphite and watercolor!

***New Guest Artist*** Please check out the Sean Ryder’s Apple!

Day Five – Still A Life (still life no. 1)

Day Seven – Up On A Pedestal

I guess this sums up where I’m at with my Art Apples.  Drew this in my sketch book and tore it out to scan.  I’m so happy to be home for a visit and I love being in Maine!  Tomorrow we head to Vinalhaven for the weekend for family, wine, and lobster!

Until tomorrow.
