Day Fifty one – R2-D2 Apple!

This is a long overdue request.

My cousin Dave’s wife Nicole told me that their son Jack (gosh is he 4 or 5?) loves to check out my apples and that he had a request for a Star Wars apple and R2-D2 was agreed upon.  So…. this one’s for you Jack!  Doug helped – I couldn’t figure out what to do for the background and he said put him on the Sands of Tatooine.  What?   I had to google it.

I’d love to create more Art Apples from requests so I’ve decided that one day a week I’ll do an Apple from one of your suggestions. If you follow me on Twitter you know that there is something called Follow Friday so Friday seem like a great day!  Send me your requests – either comment here or put them on my facebook page at ArtAppleADay and I’ll choose one to do each week.

Until tomorrow.


Day 51 was created with pen, watercolor and a bit of white acrylic (hate to admit it) – If you are a die hard watercolorist then you know how big of a sin this is…. oh well.