Some days I have a hankering for simple things. A glass of iced tea, a good book (the kind made with paper), and taking a moment to sit in the sun out on the front porch and throw the ball for the dog.
Pattern for me is calming because it’s based on rules and guidelines. I always seem to go back to my lovely patterns even one as simple as a grid and circles. My new site design will have these elements – I think they will suit The Feeding Edge well. I can’t wait for you to see it!
Don’t worry it’s nothing radical – just lines an circles…. like yesterday and today but a bit different. You’ll see.
Until tomorrow.
Day 140 was created in ink and watercolor.
***Guest Post on WEGO health***
Also – the apple email didn’t get generated last night for some reason – if it happens again tonight then I’ll look into a new service. Fingers crossed 🙂