Day 167 – Pink Lady

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Sixty Seven

It may be almost St. Paddy’s day but the Pink Lady inspired me today!

The real Pink Lady has a “distinctive pink blush over a yellow background” but I don’t really do much of anything in a blush. I live life in more of a Rogue Rouge!  I happen to be more comfortable in full force impact – good or bad – my intentions are always genuine.

Writing a blog and working for AS awareness leads to the most interesting crossing of paths. My friend Kelly who was one of the founders of and the amazing Facebook page ASAP (Ankylosing Spondylitis Awareness Project) knew that I was painting a pink apple tonight when I posed the question on Facebook – “So – I just got a new watercolor called Opera – not Oprah 🙂 Any guesses on what color it is?

Wonderful guesses were made – from yellow, to gray, to blue. But Kelly guessed the answer is HOT FLORESCENT PINK!. And – she informed me that her favorite apple is the pink lady. So much for knowing about apples – I’m learning everyday from so many amazing people and places.


And my friend Michael Smith – the king of the Haiku wrote:

‎”Oprah’s seldom seen,
In hot florescent colors,
That’s Lady Gaga.”

Until tomorrow.


Day 167 was created in some glorious new watercolors – Opera, Marine Blue, and Bright Violet – as well as some Liquid Acrylic colors – like Pyrrole Orange and Quinacridone Magenta! wooosh – I had to spell check those 🙂

****** New Guest Apple ****** Mary Cay Mullem sent me the most amazing apple for the Art Apple A Day project – a St Paddy’s Day tribute!