Day 223 – Apple of my eyeTunes

Art Apple - Day Two Hundred Twenty Three

Sometimes I really can’t help myself – the titles are harder to do daily than the image and the post 🙂

Thank goodness for music! Music is so important to our mental and physical health. I listen to music pretty much all day long and the songs or the genre depend on my mood or my moods sometime depend on the music. We all know that a song can uplift us, create excitement, and even make us cry. George Straight’s, “I Saw God Today” makes me cry everytime.

You can take one tune and make one moving and touching and full of emotions, the other really funny. I love this about music.

John Lennon – Imagine

Tim Hawkins – Imagine

I picked “Imagine” because it’s one of my friend Kelly Christal Johnston’s favorite songs and she had a really difficult few days. Imagine what our lives would be like with a cure for spondylitis!

Until tomorrrow.


Day 223 was created in mixed media. I say that a lot – it means “lots of different stuff” and has become my favorite way to create. Tonight I was so annoyed with the way my scanner wasn’t picking up the depth of color or the metallic ink  so I decided to try using my new glorious camera. I feel so much better showing you this image today – you can see so much more of it this way. Now I may need to find the time to switch out more of my art from scans to photos – uugh! I still don’t have the lighting right but there is always tomorrow.