Day 115 – Paint Escape

I was inspired today by a painting by Patti Agapi called Divinity.

Her paintings are abstract, color saturated, and glorious.  I was so captivated by it that I bought it!  I love to support fellow artists but I haven’t bought much art so I’m trying to change that. I’m going to start collecting where I can buy what I love and can afford. She is also participating in a 365 day creative challenge so click on her link above to check her work out. Patti included this quote on her Etsy page with the piece I purchased:

“Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand.” – Henry David Thoreau

Love it.  So I thought I’d try my hand at letting the paint escape!

Until tomorrow.


Day 115 was created with gouache, metallics, watercolor, graphite, and a touch of Mocha Parker writing ink. Apparently my Mocha ink was discontinued years ago and people are paying big bucks for unopened bottles. Humph – mine is open 🙂