Day 245 – Japanese Kintsugi Apple

Art Apple - Day Two Hundred Forty Five“When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.” ~Barbara Bloom

This quote was on the Spondylitis Association of America’s Facebook wall today and voila – inspiration! I had never heard of this art form so I immediately did some research.

I learned that the Japanese created a process and practice of mending broken objects with gold. This “golden joinery” is called kintsugi and what started simply as a search for a material that was strong enough to bond ceramics back together became a practice honed and some say created on purpose once it was seen how patching and filling the lines of a broken object back together created beauty in the imperfection.

Our cracks and scars are our unique beauty – they do not break us – they only make us stronger. Honor them and fill them with gold.

Until tomorrow.


Day 245 was created in liquid and metallic gold acrylic.