Day 162 – Go Team!

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Sixty Two

I’m drawn to painting blue apples.

The Blue Apple to me  is the Spondylitis Apple. I’m sure I’m drawn to the blue and green ones because of the connection I feel when painting one. They appeal to me so much more than the warm colors, so I would bet if I went back and did a count the blue & green team would be far ahead. Speaking of teams and challenges…

to raise awareness is on!

We need your photo so that Michael at Spondyville can start on the video and I can start to work on my photo mosaic contribution to the project! Once you’ve uploaded your photo I start to work.

Good night for now – I’m going to turn off the computer – I would say that my dear, wonderful husband deserves a night with me all to himself. Big Hugs!

Until tomorrow.


Day 162 was created in fluid Golden acrylics.