Day 342 – Anything Can Be

Listen to the Mustn’ts, child,
Listen to the Don’ts
Listen to the Shouldn’ts
The Impossibles, the Won’ts
Listen to the Never Haves,
Then listen close to me —
Anything can happen, child,
Anything can be. – Shel Silverstein

I’m being drawn to the words and images of the great children’s writers. I wish we could keep being told the lessons we teach our children; the lessons of love and persistence and of starry eyed dreams of childhood.

As an adult it is so difficult to keep going after your dreams and to continue to believe that anything can happen, anything can be.

Do not listen to naysayers. We sure as heck wouldn’t let our children listen to them. Hold on to your dreams and don’t listen to anyone who insists on telling you what you can’t do.

Dig up those stories and listen to their messages…




And sprinkle in some pixie dust for good measure!

Until tomorrow.


Day 342 was created in pen & ink in the style of Shel Silverstein with a twist – a little girl instead of a boy and a blue apple for spondylitis instead of a yellow star.

Day 132 – The New Blue

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Thirty Two
Art Apple - Day One Hundred Thirty Two


Why does such a fan-tabulous color have to mean sad. I don’t so much care that the color and meaning are linked to Greek mythology and Zeus creating rain storms when he was melancholy or that a ship that lost its captain during a voyage flew a blue flag. I like the German’s approach best that blue means someone who’s drunk.

Isn’t language grand!

How do we ever figure one another out? I’m thinking you are sad and a German is thinking you spent too much time in the “biergarten.” Colors should not be associated with emotions because you then end up with “seeing red”  and anger vs. Valentine’s Day and love. Red definitely has an identity crisis! I know – it’s sheer silliness, but latching onto a color can also create brilliance in branding. I’m green with envy over any emotion, product, or cause that has managed to have a corner on the market of a color!

Until tomorrow.


Day 132 was created in the new blue – one for Spondylitis!

Day Seventy five – Blue for Spondylitis

I’ve made it through 75 days today!

I have to admit that I wouldn’t have made it this far without the encouragement and support of so many people.  As time goes on, I will be talking about how my support team and some new friends have kept me going.  I will fulfill my pledge and create my 365 days of apples and we will have all done it together.  Since I live with AS, there have been some difficult times but I refuse to give up or give in and AS has taught me that this is the only way to live our lives no matter what challenges we face.

I’d like to thank the Spondylitis Association of America who helped me a few years back when I really needed a connection and a community and then again this year with their support of Art Apple A Day.  Their dedication to fighting AS and related diseases and those of us living with AS is truly amazing – I feel hopeful and confident with them at the helm.

For any new visitors who found your way here from the SAA Holiday Card – I’d like to thank you as well.  Your support of the SAA means more research for a cure as well as continued programs, seminars, and outreach.   Please follow my progress as I work to raise awareness of Ankylosing Spondylitis with my Art Apple A Day.  You can sign up to get the daily Apple emailed to you each morning – there is a sign up box in the upper right hand corner of my blog page.  Also – apple ideas are welcome and truly appreciated!  I’d love to hear from you – your comments and feedback keep me on my path 🙂

Until tomorrow and a big announcement……


Email me:

Day 75 was created in acrylic paint.