Stand Tall.
These two simple words have great meaning for me. They’ve become a bit of a personal mantra as well as the slogan for the Spondylitis Association of America. They remind me to keep the notion close at hand that I need to stand up straighter and taller. This is important not just because my default position is, well – not great (I’m being kind to myself here) but also because if I continue to slouch it will become the place my body is the most comfortable, less painful, and due to having AS, could possibly be the posture I’m in if or when the joints in my spine fuse. There are fewer people with AS who will see this happen to them thanks to more education and research. The majority of which is done through the help and efforts of the SAA.
The other important aspect of this phrase is that it serves as a reminder to me to be strong and proud – to stand tall – and not hide my disease from the world like I really have wanted to do. It was my default emotional position about my AS until only a few months ago. Life as yourself is a much easier place to exist so I urge everyone – whether you have AS or not – to Stand Tall!
Until tomorrow.
Day 120 was created in pen & watercolor.
Happy Open House to the SAA for their new office space celebration on Saturday. I’m thrilled to have 4 of my apples on their walls. If you are interested in which days they choose they are giclees of Day 2, Day 41, Day 75, and Day 93.