April is AS awareness month!
We’re gearing up for the best year yet because our community is pulling together in unprecedented ways.
My good friend Amanda U. is one of my favorite AS warriors. Amanda and I bonded immediately not just because we both have AS but also because of our joint belief in the need to raise our collective voice. Amanda’s website, United Voices for Ankylosing Spondylitis, is a place full of her stories and articles about life with AS. She states her goal quite eloquently in her slogan “Together, we can set things straight.”
I made this apple for Amanda and her post today. It representes my vision of AS’ers coming together in a joint effort – a way to pull all of us together – from all over the world. In one another we find a home.
For AS awareness month we are all going to be joining together in a project spearheaded by Michael S. of Spondyville – a Fusion of sorts. The project is called the Global Ankylosing Spondylitis Project and the concept is to put together a world wide video of AS’ers and I will be creating a mosaic of an apple with the still photos – in the shape of an apple!
Please join us – more details here.
Until tomorrow.
Day 161 was created in pen & ink.