Looking Back – Day 15

Today is Day 15 of the Art Apple A Day Retrospective – for information on the project click here.

Day Fifteen – October 15, 2010

Looking back 10 years ago today…

The thick Pollock-esque paint on my day 15 apple had finally dried. It was one of those raw damp days in Maine and it took forever and patience is not a strong suit of mine. The storm took out the power at my parents house – it finally came back on at about 10:30pm so with another sigh of relief I could post one more day of my journey.

To see my original fifteenth post ~ Pollock-esque ~ from 10 years ago click here or on the image above.

And the story will continue tomorrow…

Shifting to today in 2020 I have just finished having my monthly I.V. infusion of a biologic drug that controls the way my immune system works. A.S. is actually considered and Auto-Inflammatory disease. Although we consider it in the family of Auto-Immune, Auto Inflammatory actually describes it better. I have so many things I’d like to share about the treatment but after my infusion I am wiped out. My body needs about 12-24 hours to adjust and metabolize the medication. It’s like flooding my cells with the medication causes all my energy to go to the process of equalizing and blocking the TNFa (tumor necrosis factor alpha). Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF alpha), is an inflammatory cytokine. TNF inhibitors are drugs that help stop inflammation.  I am so grateful that it helps me so much and has for such an extended period of time.

Side Note: As I revisit my apples and share new insights, I am in the process of updating the website so please forgive any missing images or blank pages as I work through this. Hopefully as I restructure and reorganize, the information contained here will be easier to find. xO

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