Today is Day 105 of the Art Apple A Day Retrospective – for information on the project click here.
Day One Hundred Five – January 13, 2010
Looking back 10 years ago today…
I’m not sure what was happening in the world or in my life on this day ten years ago but I’m praying and thinking about humanity today as well. I sent a couple of text messages to my family thread last night. One an image of a current piece of art work and immediately following a meme about current events. My Mom responded, “Beautiful and awful next to each other.” and I guess that pretty much sums up life.
This is why we need to capture joy wherever and whenever we can. Sending you all a heartfelt warm, soft, sway back and forth, virtual hug.
To see my original Day 105 post ~ Heartfelt ~ from 10 years ago click here or on the image above.
And the story will continue tomorrow…

That’s a lovely apple