Day Fifty – Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my Mom’s Birthday!

I am so lucky that she is my best friend, my biggest champion for following my dreams and talent, and the person I wanted to speak with when I was so sick that I was crying out in pain.  She was there at my side back in 2000 when I went to a doctor at a Stanford (yes, the Stanford) practice before I was diagnosed who asked me – “How is your marriage?”  Yeah, that was the cause of my pain – hah – going on 13 years…  I could see steam coming out of her ears.  When my Remicade treatment was delayed this month, she bless her dear heart, said “You are NOT going back there – go get that infusion!”

My mom, Susan, is amazingly smart (the go to in the family for all things concerning the English language – Bates College English major and first to correct our use of me vs. I and bring & take.) She is clever and quick and has a subtle, charming sense of humor and an amazing eye for design (although she will disagree.)  She is a wonderful grandmother to my brother’s kids and just retired from many years as the heart of my parents’ business and then a wonderful career at Bowdoin College.

I’m just so lucky she’s my Mom and I adore her.  So, Happy Birthday Mom – this apple celebration is for you!

Until tomorrow.


Day 50 was created with extra love and care….. and watercolor.  These apples are my first Golden Delicious – usually I go for the reds and greens but cake seemed like it would be better this way!

6 Replies to “Day Fifty – Happy Birthday Mom!”

  1. I am truly without words, Jenna. What a lovely present your words are and a beautiful apple cake, too. I love you and you are NOT going back to the bad old days if Doug and Dad and I can possibly do ANYTHING to prevent it. The painting you sent me is and will be a source of pure pleasure for me for years. Thank you!

  2. Jenna, you’re right, your mother is a remarkable human being. We’re so fortunate to have her in our lives. It’s rare to find someone who always thinks first about giving rather than receiving…..we’ve been so lucky to have received so much from her over the years. May we keep celebrating her birthday for many years to come.

  3. Jenna and Susan-
    What a gift you both have in one another! I am reading with tears of love and joy.

    1. Elizabeth, Thank you so much for the support you have given me. We’re so very lucky to have you in our lives. Love, Jenna

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