I am looking forward to the new year!
A new year gives us a sense of renewal, new beginnings, a feeling of a year of accomplishments and disappointments, a celebration and a time for reflection and to take stock in order to look ahead. As we prepare this week to ring in 2011, I will be reaching a very big mark in my Art Apple project – I will be crossing past the quarter way point this week! Some days I think I must have been mad to take on and promise 365 days of Art Apples but, most days I wonder who I may meet next and how I can continue to tell people about Ankylosing Spondylitis. I never thought too much about Apples, now I see them everywhere – I’m Apples to the Core!!!
Until tomorrow.
Day 87 was made with chartreuse green acrylic paint as a resist – and india ink for the negative space. This is a really cool technique – I look forward to experimenting with it more in the future.
Apples everywhere? I see them, too and so does Dad – but we can’t turn them into beautiful images. See you soon in the New Year for more adventures.