Day 327 – Love This Vintage

Art Apple - Day Three Hundred Twenty SevenI’m a pack rat – I admit it and I could use a 12 step program.

I have a very difficult time throwing things out. I’m not a hoarder – I hate to buy things, but I collect everything. Yes, it is a fine line but I think it has to do with the artist in me. I might need that scrap of paper/found object/supply someday for my masterpiece (yet to be thought of or ever to happen.)

What would happen if I threw something out and it was the perfect “thing” to make my latest art piece exactly what it is meant to be?

Then what? Well, in reality… there is always something else. Always. But in my pack rat mind – I may need that paint color that has a smidgen left in its tube.


At least I know I have a problem. But! Look what I created with a vintage kitchen curtain I bought years ago and placed in my tubs of fabrics. Ha, Ha! I love this vintage – exactly the right year for this piece.

Until tomorrow.


Day 327 was created with – are you ready? With, a scrap of vintage fabric, a few pieces of “new” fabric, yellow silky thread, gesso (used to stencil on a handmade apple shape and border so that I could paint on top of the fabric), acrylic paints, metallic paint, and a touch of hot pink marker. I quilted the entire piece using – yes, a scrap of fleece instead of batting – in a checked pattern. Ah – life is good.

In The Studio

1. Countdown – 38 days to The Big Apple Paint-A-Thon! – more details are coming together every day!

2. Process Photo of the Day – My big mess!

3. Apple Recipe of the Day –Apple Beet Carrot Juice

4. Check out the new and improved emails from – The Daily Apple! If you haven’t already done so, please sign up to receive apples in your inbox. The New Daily Apple will include information that I don’t post on my blog including art, health, and of course… apples!

6 Replies to “Day 327 – Love This Vintage”

    1. Thank you sweet Ron 🙂 So glad you are recovering and feeling better. I really appreciate you commenting on my blog – it means a lot to me!

  1. Just love your apples! I suffer with Fibromyalgia, connective tissue disease and pain from sciatica due to my spinal stenosis. My flares and ‘down days’ are rough, but with inspiration from you and others, I remain encouraged! Thank you for your blog today….. I too find it difficult to discard things. We are lovely people, we ‘collectors’!! HUGS, karen

  2. I’m enjoying these sewn apples:)
    Yes, I too keep bits of this and that, thinking that I might use them some day. In fact, some have come in handy for hand made projects my grandchildren have created.

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