Day 312 – When To Kvetch

Art Apple - Day Three Hundred TwelveI grew up learning to gut through difficult situations. No Kvetching allowed. But my friend Michael of Spondyville started a topic today on one of the support groups for AS. He posed the following:

In accepting having AS, and learning to cope, have you gone too far? By that, I mean, are you TOO good at coping? Do you tend to put up with some symptoms because you figure it just comes with having AS? Have you ever waited too long to see a doctor in the hope or on the assumption that your symptoms were just part of an AS flare-up and would go away? How do we continue to find a balance between not jumping into a panic at every new physical change that comes along and knowing when to go see a doctor about a possible new problem? I know I’ve been guilty of waiting a bit too long in the past. Just curious about all of your thoughts, since this is something, that, it seems to me, is rarely discussed.

The discussion was really very interesting and made me think of how people are so different and handle pain and health in so many different personal ways. Nina mentioned that she felt her desire to not complain was more cultural and that she didn’t want to be the kind of person who complains but we all decided that there are times when we need to kvetch!

What do you think? Lend your thoughts on the GASP (Global Ankylosing Spondylitis Project) Facebook page!

Until tomorrow.


Day 312 was created in acrylics and watercolor.

In The Studio

1. Countdown – 53 days to The Big Apple Paint-A-Thon to raise money for AS Education!

2. Apple Recipe of the Day – Caramel Apple Cheescake Dessert Dip

3. AS Blogger Spotlight – Meloni or AS Mom speaks of Hope! and her daughter just started an AS group at the University of Georgia!

4. Interesting Project – Partners Against Pain launches photo awareness campaign & contest.


7 Replies to “Day 312 – When To Kvetch”

  1. I think this is something people with all type of chronic illnesses struggle with. I know my fibromyalgia has masked symptoms for me – once I ended up hospitalized for days because of the severity of an issue, after I’d let it go on for so long. PS – beautiful apple!

    1. Hi Felicia!
      I agree – it is a big struggle. I try very hard to not speak out loud the day to day pains as much as you just want to vocalize them I’ve worked very hard to just deal most times. I will tell Doug when I’m in a particular unusual amount of pain but he knows that at some point each day I’m dealing with my “normal” amount. In terms of when to really speak up – I don’t know. I do know that it may have taken a heck of a lot longer to get a diagnosis if I hadn’t advocated very strongly for myself. I think the kvetching should be free flowing at the doc’s office 🙂
      xox Jenna

  2. I think I am rather good at coping. If some new pain comes up, I just mention it at my next rheumatologist appointment. Most medical problems take a fairly long time to become problematic, and it can usually wait to be looked at more than the six months between rheumatologist visits.

    1. Hey Vic,
      I think your approach is similar to mine. I figure if there is something going to manifest it will be persistent and I’ll have an “ah ha” moment that there is something different going on. However, I will mention some little things – that might mean nothing – to my Rheumatologist with the idea that he will be putting it in the computer and we can trend it. Do you only have your doc appt every 6 months? Jenna

  3. I’m guilty of postponing. It caused me to come close to leaving all of you and it also caused me an eye problem which is stabilized, but I needed eye surgery. I hope all of you can not postpone.

    1. Mumma,
      Your are guilty of being a world class stoic. A cute stoic but it has caused you some very dangerous situations. Better to kvetch than end up in life saving surgery – yup, now I’m lecturing but I really want you around so….

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