I’ve been making apples for 9 months now.
I’ve learned so much about so much. What a crazy wonderful ride it has been so far and I love every day I can say I’m an artist, a blogger, and I want to tell the world about Autoimmune Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Some may ask why I decided to do “Art Apple A Day” – to spend a year of my life dedicated to this crusade and all I can say is that it was just what I had to do.
I deal with this disease but I feel fortunate. The medications help me and I no longer suffer like so many people with this disease do. But, I’ve been there.
I’ve. Been. There.
I’ve been in a place that no one should have to ever be, a place of constant and non-stop pain. I do not want people to have to live their lives this way. I am not immune to the fact that I could be back in that place. The medications can stop working, the options can run out, as they do for many or, I could never have been able to get them at all.
I live with this knowledge but as long as my pain is lessened and my disease is somewhat controlled I feel that I need to work to help people who are in “that place” – I feel a responsibility since I am one of the fortunate. And I feel guilt because I do not understand why I can get a medication that helps and others cannot.
Because of all these reasons – I do this.
Until tomorrow.
Day 266 was created in liquid acrylics and watercolor.
*** Please help me “Turn The Blue Apple GREEN” – Today is my 100 day countdown to the end of this journey. Today I announce a new initiative to raise funds for others suffering with Ankylosing Spondylitis. To learn more about this project visit my Apples For AS page – the story written by fellow AS Advocate and friend Michael Smith.
*** For news, updates, and information – get your DAILY APPLE – sign up to receive my apples each morning in your inbox!
I’m so excited that you have joined together with the International Autoimmune Arthritis Movement (IAAM) to promote our causes.
It doesn’t get any better than this!
God Bless
Hi Tiffany!
It was great to connect with you today – I look forward to being a part of your organization.
Thank you for what you are doing to raise awareness of autoimmune arthritis.
Go green!
…another great post and apple Jenna.