Day 240 – A Bosch and an Apple

Art Apple - Day Two Hundred Forty

The dishwasher saga continues!

To catch you up – dishwasher stopped working, called Al from Al’s Appliance Repair, Al spent an hour ripping the thing apart as I stood by horrified by the knowledge that we were headed for a hefty repair bill for no repair. And yes $100 later it was officially pronounced – “dead.” So we weighed our options, Best Buy had a midnight sale happening but all of the great deals meant waiting 7-14 days for delivery which would equal a very unhappy me. We could go cheap and just match the other 10 year old black appliances, or we could buy what we wanted.

Having lived through a crazy few years as have most people – I am quite averse to spending money. I’ve become a hoarder extraordinaire – I hoard cash (you’ll never find it) – I hoard canned food (not really, I just like my pantry stocked) – I hoard household items – maybe hoard is the wrong word when it comes to my household items. I make do. I don’t need new sheets for the bed – they would simply be nice. I don’t need a new TV – I could actually care less about the quality of the picture, it seems fine to me. I don’t need new appliances save a dishwasher, but we were so close to a whole new set this afternoon! They are all going to bust anytime – right?

Our excitement was elevated as we looked over the shiny stainless – and I swear it had nothing to do with the $1 sushi and $1 beers that went with our lunch – so when John in the appliance department at Lowe’s showed us the dishwashers – well, we got a bit carried away. I cannot wait for that new Bosch dishwasher to be delivered next Sunday – I will happily hand wash for another week for that beauty! I never knew I could get so excited about super quite, adjustable racks, stainless steel interior – dishwasher? – oh my!

Until tomorrow.


Day 240 was created in mixed media and with a couple of apple shaped potato stamps I made and then I used a technique I learned last week where you put gel medium over the painting you’ve done, let it dry and then cover the entire piece with a thick layer of acrylic paint to then uncover the painting below. I chickened out – it looked like I had ruined the entire piece and I’d never “uncover” the apples which would be a huge bummer because we’re leaving to have some drinks with our neighbors in a half hour – hence the panic! But… I’ve become very good at hand washing lately – so I was able to scrub away to reveal the beauty below!

*** I’m going to get the strangest hits to my site by putting Bosch and Apple in the title of this post! Ha! Take a look at the Bosch Apple App 🙂

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