Day 191 – Saturday Apple No. 5

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Ninety One

Sometimes you’ve just got to get away!

Doug and I packed up the car, loaded Ella our Aussie-Border Collie mutt in the back, and headed for the mountains this afternoon. The drive up was just beautiful and we would have played “Yellow” the entire way if Doug had had his way. I made it through Denver and managed to tie up the game when I realized that by playing I wasn’t relaxing – I was on alert.

We love playing car games, we’re geeks that way, but the entire  point of our trip was to get away from the intensity of our lives. So I called a time out.

It can be so difficult to recognize when in our lives we really just need to say “stop!”

Until tomorrow.


Day 191 was created in watercolor.

About the game Yellow : Yellow is sort of like slug bug. My nephews Nate and Jarod introduced us to the game. When you are in the car – you yell out “Yellow!” whenever you see a yellow vehicle. Heavy equipment like Caterpiller yellow bulldozers and backhoes are excluded as well as yards or lots of schoolbuses or Ryder trucks. Singles are acceptable and you automatically win the game if you see a yellow bug. Now – we’ve added a recent new rule – if you see one of those three wheeled motorcycles in yellow – props for ever – well until they are everywhere anyway!

3 Replies to “Day 191 – Saturday Apple No. 5”

  1. You are right, sometimes we need to say “stop” and do something different, is wonderful that you had fun and enjoyed the time with your husband. It’s great that we learn to enjoy and have fun with the simple beautiful things around us.

    1. Yes, our lives are a bit focused on fruit these days – I’m trying very hard to set aside time for the other things in life that I love so much 🙂 – Big Love, Jenna

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