Day 170 – Ahoy Apples!

Art Apple - Day One Hundred Seventy Ahoy Apples! I have just published my first YouTube video of the painting of today’s Art Apple for AS! I’m so excited to share it with you please take a look – I jumped into this so I haven’t figured out the exact best placement of my video camera and I think next time I’ll brush my hair! But I loved doing this – it isn’t from start to finish because I haven’t figured out how to edit yet which is also why it is really long – about 8minutes. I’ll promise to make future videos shorter – please let me know what you think!

Until tomorrow.


Day 170 was created in mixed media. Acrylic as a resist, watercolor, and collage letters from a Smithsonian magazine!


5 Replies to “Day 170 – Ahoy Apples!”

  1. I think you are AMAZING…that is a God given gift! You are such an inspiration Jenna, keep up the awesome work.

  2. This one is my new favorite for two reasons.

    1: I got to see you work on it.

    2: I love the idea of the apple sail providing the power to move the vessel forward.

    Very symbolic of your cause.

    1. Vic,
      Thank you so much! I loved making the video…. I’ll be doing more for my site and others (the reason I bought the video camera!) I do love to put symbolism into my work tie the words in. What you see in this image is wonderful – I love it! I was so focused on the video that I didn’t write about what I painted so thank you for your wonderful description and support. I’m getting very close to the half way mark – woo hoo!!!

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