Blogs and bloggers are often accused of being narcissistic.
I understand where this comes from, I do.  Bloggers spend a lot of time talking about themselves but they do it to attempt to reach their reader – to hopefully give you something of value so that you’ll come back 🙂
I promise to try to keep my ramblings and rants to a minimum for the next 255 days but I also promise to show you the cut open side of Ankylosing Spondylitis. Â This is the place we have trouble exposing to the air because we’re afraid you might view us as less than we truly are – and see the withering at the edges.
Until tomorrow.
Day 110 was created with watercolor only. Â Usually I draw a light outline in pencil but today I decided to wing it!
***New Guest Artist*** Please check out the Guest Apples page – Grace McKee is featured today – you’ll love her unique art!