Today is Day 76 of the Art Apple A Day Retrospective – for information on the project click here.
Day Seventy Six – December 15, 2010
Looking back 10 years ago today…
I am reminded of the many collaborations I found throughout the apple year. Sometimes it was a blog carnival (do those still exist?) and sometimes it was an apple created to tie two ideas or projects together. Every opportunity was a way to share about Spondylitis to a broader community. I am still looking for these types of projects so please don’t be shy – contact me! The best way to do so is to click on my “Jenna” signature below which will take you to my primary website JenniferVisscher.com and the information is under the contact page.
Shifting to today in 2020: I have started my December apple!!! I loved all the ideas but I came up with something that I think you will all love. Unfortunately you will have to wait until December 31st for the unveiling!
To see my original Day 76 post ~ Bee Hive Apple ~ from 10 years ago click here or on the image above.
And the story will continue tomorrow…

Nice story about Henri! It’s wonderful going back 10 years and reminiscing.