Looking Back – Day 5

Today is Day 5 of the Art Apple A Day Retrospective – for information on the project click here.

Day Five – October 5, 2010

Looking back 10 years ago today…

I woke up so relieved I had survived Day 4! But here I was again and I realized I had better come up with some plan to spark inspiration or I’d be burning the midnight oil far too often and I’m a bed by nine kind of gal!

Thankfully I had received my first request two days earlier. My friend Sandy was in the midst of Breast Cancer treatment and wondered if I could create a pink apple for her. My first thought was, “wait, aren’t these apples for AS awareness? is it ok that I create one for Breast cancer?” And just as quickly as the thought entered my mind it was replaced with, “I’m creating an apple for Sandy” because of course I would!!! (Her request is on Day One in the comments)

If you click to see my original post for Day 5 you will see that the October 5th apple did not end up being Sandy’s apple however… I did create one you will see later this month!

Shifting to today in 2020 I’d like to share some thoughts on resting. I rest my body most afternoons from around 4pm until the time I feed my dog Lucy and cat Bittie, typically around 5:30pm. Obviously there are days I can’t do this but if I’m home and finished with my work I do. It’s a habit that helps me manage the resources of my body and disease. In my 30’s and 40’s I didn’t want to share with people the amount of time I needed to rest because during the crisis years it was a LOT. Now, it is about maintenance and balance and really, it’s habit too – now I’m writing my daily post while I’m laying down which makes me VERY happy.

Taking the weight off my spinal column for a bit before making dinner or doing evening activities really helps me enjoy my time at night with my husband and if I go too many days without this schedule I can feel the difference so this is part of my approach to maintain as healthy a life as possible. I’m active and move in the morning, I am productive for the day, I rest for a bit late day, I enjoy my evening, and I get to bed early. The list of things I do to be as healthy as possible is long and it has been developed over the last 15 plus years. Getting a diagnosis and being put on medication isn’t a magic pathway to remission – it takes work and exploration and then it takes more of the same and an openness to adding new items to the list as new approaches are tested. In fact, I’ve had more success in reducing pain and fatigue just in the past two years than any year prior and that’s because I continue to explore new things.

If you hear someone say that something helps them, consider trying it out. I add something new one at a time as much as possible so that I can evaluate its effectiveness. This isn’t a one and done type of disease – it takes a multi-pronged approach and it takes a lifeboat (more on the lifeboat at a later date) and it takes flexibility of thought and attitude. Beware of people who say something doesn’t work because that is ONLY their experience. I’ll share all of my long list as the days go on but today’s tip is rest mid day (preferable lay down to take the weight off your spine) because your back will thank you and if you flare – shut it all down full stop. Flares mean something is really not going right and rest is the first prong of flare fighting.

And the story will continue tomorrow…

Side note: My friend Sandy is cancer free and doing great!

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