Today is Day 103 of the Art Apple A Day Retrospective – for information on the project click here.
Day One Hundred Three – January 11, 2010
Looking back 10 years ago today…
It was a day with just an apple and no post. I occasionally didn’t write much with my daily apple. It was always because I just didn’t have the energy or brain power. I’m feeling that way tonight as well. I am best the first half of the day – my body tires as the day wears on – so I’ve mostly been posting as I drink my morning coffee. My mind is sharper and it’s a fun way to start my day. Today I fired up my laptop (it’s by my bedside because that is where I have my morning coffee) and I hadn’t prepared the image for today’s post. I’ve been trying to get two weeks done ahead of time but that is a two hour project believe it or not so over the holidays it hasn’t been high on my to-do list so I ran out of made ahead images that I’d stored in my dropbox. Not a big deal but it threw off my routine. Then I went to lay down a bit before dinner to rest my back for a bit and for some reason the images hadn’t synced to my dropbox yet so I couldn’t get to them from my laptop.
And, then I completely forgot all about it! Ten years ago the idea of forgetting to post my daily apple gave me nightmares. Seriously! I never forgot but on day 365 it was close – I posted just a few minutes before midnight. (more on that in a few hundred more days)
And 9pm I turn into a pumpkin. – if you ask Doug, it’s really 8pm but I didn’t want to sound totally lame.
So I’m going to say goodnight and hope things work out better tomorrow! On a hugely positive note – I had a great day in my studio! I set an appointment with my art photographer for January 25th so it has me working furiously to finish up a number of half finished pieces. Nothing like a deadline for motivation! To see what I’m working on you can check out my Instagram where I post the goings on in my studio.
To see my original Day 103 post ~ Crown Of Apples ~ from 10 years ago click here or on the image above.
And the story will continue tomorrow…

Lovely image. Looks like the icon in on-line chess for the king.