Looking Back – Day 3

Today is Day Three of the Art Apple A Day Retrospective – for information on the project click here.

Day Three – October 3, 2010

On the evening of day three I got my first few comments on my blog – that was a thrill!!! My super sweet brother in law, Jim, and my friend Sandy were the first two and then the strangest thing happened… a stranger commented… now it was really real. And this is the moment I realized I would be experiencing so many emotions throughout this process and I had barely touched my toe into the water but I could begin to imagine and dream about the ripples.

These lovely people took time to learn what I was doing and then took more time to comment. I was so very touched and grateful but I also got immediate stage fright! The movie Field Of Dreams famously made the phrase, “build it and they will come” famous but now that I was building I had to actually follow through. No backing out now!

The stage fright was like writers block. I spent and entire day waiting for inspiration. I waited, and waited, and waited. And nothing came. (this is a repeated theme you will see me go through) because as I made more and more apples I wanted to match something to say with the image – I wanted to be clever! I was fighting my ego already on day three – woosh I was in trouble…

To see my third post from 10 years ago click here or on the image above. I didn’t post much more than a couple sentences. Sometimes this was all I could manage and on only my third day I hadn’t yet gotten into the writing aspect of the project but as you will see, I definitely start getting into the writing almost as much as the apple creating!

And the story will continue tomorrow!

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