Well, you know the rest. I definitely feel this way driving in city traffic, watching Jersey Shore (I may be one of the only people on the face of the planet who’s watched it only once), and when dealing with health insurance billing issues!
I continue to love making the fabric apples and I think I’ll do one more tomorrow although I go for my infusion tomorrow so we’ll see how much uumph I have tomorrow afternoon!
I created this piece and loved the simple graphic nature of the shapes but I felt it needed something more so I pulled out my beads thinking I’d put some around the edges and then the creative beast took over and decided that this apple had to have a seed bead in every juncture of the checkerboard fabric. Which took forever but I’m glad I followed through and did what I saw it needed regardless of the time it took. The hand sewing of putting the tiny beads on the apple was almost meditative and definitely relaxing but ambitious for the day before my infusion when my energy is waning.
I was thinking at one point when I was only half way through that if Captain Kirk had transported into my living room and seen what I was up to he would have undoubtedly uttered those famous words – “Beam me up Scotty, there is no intelligent life down here!”
Until tomorrow.
Day 328 was created in fabric, seed beads, silky thread, and yellow fabric paint.
Wow, that apple’s so labor intensive!….and so beautiful! I was thinking how pretty it must be in person and that I would luv to see the detail of the beadwork that gives it so much texture. My next thought was: Are your year of apples, Jenna, going to be on display at the Apple-a-Thon?
You are so creative, so determined and so witty Jenna!
I look forward to each day’s art and comments.
Hope the infusion goes/went well.
It’s our fortnightly family dinner over here tomorrow night. We take turns providing either main course or sweets. Looking forward to catching up with Naomi and Neil also my daughter, her husband and children.
Very creative apple. I love the mixed mediums you used in this one,and yesterday’s. It works well.
btw…I’ve never tuned into Jersey Shore.
Me neither. :p