Day 325 – So… Sew!

Art Apple - Day Three Hundred Twenty FiveThe sewing machine joins what the scissors have cut asunder, plus whatever else comes in its path.  ~Mason Cooley

This quote pretty much sums up what I do when I get my sewing gear out. I have no skill or knowledge of sewing – I just sort of do it and whatever I cut asunder become my paints. I think that I will do more sewing – there is something about pulling the fabrics and patterns and textures together that feels very different than painting or drawing. My pieces are a bit chaotic since I’m just winging it but… boy did I have fun today!

You can pick up a sewing machine for about $100 and I guarantee you’ll love trying it out. I think because so much of sewing comes with instructions  and patterns we forget that you can just forget about all of that and just play. If you think you can’t do it because you don’t know how, think again – don’t listen to the “rules” of sewing or if the stitches are straight or secure or proper. Just have fun – who cares if what you end up with.

So… SEW, even if you are “so so” at it – you’ll have a great time in the doing!

Until tomorrow.


Day 325 was created in scrap fabrics, a $100 sewing machine, and some really pretty shiny thread!


3 Replies to “Day 325 – So… Sew!”

  1. I love this. There is nothing better than the imperfections of creating. Straight seams are highly overrated. 🙂

    Beautiful piece today.


  2. A great looking patchwork apple.

    As for sewing, I do it by hand and my stitches are as neat as my hands allow them to get , which is still a whole lot on the uneven side of perfection…lol

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